Lecture 17: Quasi-Newton methods#

The problem#

Given a continuous function \(f(x)\), the problem is to find a point \(x^*\) such that \(f(x^*) = 0\). That is, \(x^*\) is a solution of the equation \(f(x) = 0\) and is called a root of \(f(x)\).

Recall Newton’s method:#

\[x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} - \frac{f(x^{(i)})}{f'(x^{(i)})}\]
def newton(f, df, x0, tol=1.0e-10):
    x = x0

    while abs(f(x)) > tol:
        x = x - f(x) / df(x)

    return x

Newton’s method requires function and it’s derivative.

This may not be possible since:

  • \(f(x)\) may be a “black box”

  • the formula for \(f(x)\) may be known but difficult to differentiate

  • the derivative maybe very expensive to evaluate

Approximating f’(x)#

Let’s approximate \(f'(x)\) like we approximated \(y'(t)\) when solving a differential equation!


Modified Newton’s method#

  • Recall that \(f'(x) = \lim_{\mathrm{d}x \to 0} \frac{f(x + \mathrm{d}x) - f(x)}{\mathrm{d}x}\).

  • Hence we can choose a small value for \(\mathrm{d}x\) (how small?) and approximate:

    \[ f'(x) \approx \frac{f(x + \mathrm{d}x) - f(x)}{\mathrm{d}x}. \]
  • This modified-Newton method then becomes

    \[ x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} - \frac{\mathrm{d}x \times f(x^{(i)})}{f(x^{(i)} + \mathrm{d}x) - f(x^{(i)})}. \]
def modified_newton(f, x0, dx, tol=1.0e-10):
    x = x0

    while abs(f(x)) > tol:
        df = (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx  # two extra evaluations of f
        # per iteration
        x = x - f(x) / df

    return x
def modified_newton2(f, x0, dx, tol=1.0e-10):
    x = x0
    fx = f(x)

    while abs(fx) > tol:
        df = (f(x + dx) - fx) / dx  # one extra evaluations of f
        # per iteration
        x = x - fx / df
        fx = f(x)  # one original evaluation of f per iteration

    return x

Graphical representation of modified Newton#

<>:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
<>:18: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
<>:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
<>:18: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
/tmp/ipykernel_2269/244923238.py:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
  plt.xticks([x0, x0 + dx, x1], ["$x^{(0)}$", "$x^{(0)} + \mathrm{d}x$", "$x^{(1)}$"])
/tmp/ipykernel_2269/244923238.py:18: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
  plt.yticks([f(x0), f(x0 + dx)], ["$f(x^{(0)})$", "$f(x^{(0)} + \mathrm{d}x)$"])

How to choose \(\mathrm{d}x\)?#

Smaller - more accurate approximation

Large - too small and we will have rounding problems (subtracting two similar numbers)


  • When \(f(x) = x^3\) then \(f'(x) = 3 x^2\).

  • Hence, at \(x_0 = 1\), \(f(x_0) = 1\) and \(f'(x_0) = 3\).

  • Consider what happens when we approximate this with python, using finite values for \(\mathrm{d}x\).

Simple approximation of a derivative using floating point arithmetic
dx approx abs error rel error
1.000000e-04 3.000300 3.000100e-04 1.000033e-04
1.000000e-06 3.000003 2.999798e-06 9.999326e-07
1.000000e-08 3.000000 3.972048e-09 1.324016e-09
1.000000e-10 3.000000 2.482211e-07 8.274037e-08
1.000000e-12 3.000267 2.667017e-04 8.890058e-05
1.000000e-14 2.997602 2.397834e-03 7.992778e-04
1.000000e-16 0.000000 3.000000e+00 1.000000e+00

A special choice!#

  • Recall the definition of machine precision/unit roundoff from Lecture 3.

  • The modified Newton method uses \(\mathrm{d}x = \sqrt{eps}\).

eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps
dx = np.sqrt(eps)

print(f"{eps=} {dx=}")
eps=2.220446049250313e-16 dx=1.4901161193847656e-08


Recall the NACA0012 aerofoil example:

def f_naca0012(x):
    t = 0.1

    yp = (
        -0.1015 * x**4 + 0.2843 * x**3 - 0.3516 * x**2 - 0.126 * x + 0.2969 * np.sqrt(x)
    f = yp - 0.5 * t

    return f

Starting from \(x^{(0)} = 1\) with \(TOL = 10^{-4}\), we get the root as \(x^* \approx 0.765789\) after 2 iterations for the NACA0012 aerofoil example (Same as Newton!):

modified_newton_with_table(f_naca0012, x0=1.0, tol=1.0e-4)
iter x f(x)
0 1.000000 -0.047900
1 0.795168 -0.005392
2 0.765789 -0.000096

Starting from \(x^{(0)} = 0.1\) with \(TOL = 10^{-4}\), we get the root as \(x^* \approx 0.033863\) after 5 iterations for the second solution to the NACA0012 aerofoil example (Same as Newton!).

modified_newton_with_table(f_naca0012, x0=0.1, tol=1.0e-4)
iter x f(x)
0 0.100000 0.028046
1 0.000278 -0.045086
2 0.005413 -0.028849
3 0.020693 -0.010046
4 0.031958 -0.001300
5 0.033863 -0.000024

The secant method#

Can we use a similar derivative approximation but avoid the extra function evaluation?

Recall modified-Newton method:

\[ x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} - \frac{\mathrm{d}x \times f(x^{(i)})}{f(x^{(i)} + \mathrm{d}x) - f(x^{(i)})}. \]

Now with \(\mathrm{d}x = x^{(i)} - x^{(i-1)}\) becomes

\[ x^{(i+1)} = x^{(i)} - \frac{(x^{(i)} - x^{(i-1)}) \times f(x^{(i)})}{f(x^{(i)}) - f(x^{(i-1)})}. \]
def secant(f, x0, x1, tol=1.0e-10):
    # two initial function evaluations
    f0 = f(x0)
    f1 = f(x1)

    while abs(f1) > tol:
        # compute derivative approximation
        df = (f1 - f0) / (x1 - x0)
        # update x
        x2 = x1 - f1 / df

        # update other variables
        x0, f0 = x1, f1
        x1, f1 = x2, f(x2)  # one evaluation of f per iteration

    return x1

A geometric interpretation#


Numerical examples#

  • The naca0012 example starting from 1 and 0.9 to a tolerance of \(10^{-4}\) gives the solution as \(x^* \approx 0.765264\) after 3 iterations (one more than Newton!)

secant_with_table(f_naca0012, x0=1.0, x1=0.9, tol=1.0e-4)
iter x0 f(x0) x1 f(x1)
0 1.000000 -0.047900 0.900000 -0.025871
1 0.900000 -0.025871 0.782556 -0.003095
2 0.782556 -0.003095 0.766598 -0.000239
3 0.766598 -0.000239 0.765264 -0.000003

Starting from \(x^{(0)} = 0.0\) and \(x^{(1)} = 0.1\) with \(TOL = 10^{-4}\), we get the root as \(x^* \approx 0.033870\) after 5 iterations for the second solution to the NACA0012 aerofoil example (Same as Newton!).

secant_with_table(f_naca0012, x0=0.0, x1=0.1, tol=1.0e-4)
iter x0 f(x0) x1 f(x1)
0 0.000000 -0.050000 0.100000 0.028046
1 0.100000 0.028046 0.064065 0.015706
2 0.064065 0.015706 0.018327 -0.012232
3 0.018327 -0.012232 0.038352 0.002810
4 0.038352 0.002810 0.034611 0.000465
5 0.034611 0.000465 0.033870 -0.000019

Turning points?#

def f_turning(x):
    return (x - 1) ** 2

secant_with_table(f_turning, x0=4.0, x1=3.0, tol=1.0e-4)
iter x0 f(x0) x1 f(x1)
0 4.000000 9.000000 3.000000 4.000000
1 3.000000 4.000000 2.200000 1.440000
2 2.200000 1.440000 1.750000 0.562500
3 1.750000 0.562500 1.461538 0.213018
4 1.461538 0.213018 1.285714 0.081633
5 1.285714 0.081633 1.176471 0.031142
6 1.176471 0.031142 1.109091 0.011901
7 1.109091 0.011901 1.067416 0.004545
8 1.067416 0.004545 1.041667 0.001736
9 1.041667 0.001736 1.025751 0.000663
10 1.025751 0.000663 1.015915 0.000253
11 1.015915 0.000253 1.009836 0.000097

Other problems#

Even more care is required to avoid divide by zero errors

# equal function values at x0 and x1
secant(f_turning, x0=4.0, x1=-2.0, tol=1.0e-4)
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[23], line 2
      1 # equal function values at x0 and x1
----> 2 secant(f_turning, x0=4.0, x1=-2.0, tol=1.0e-4)

Cell In[17], line 10, in secant(f, x0, x1, tol)
      8 df = (f1 - f0) / (x1 - x0)
      9 # update x
---> 10 x2 = x1 - f1 / df
     12 # update other variables
     13 x0, f0 = x1, f1

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
# too small tolerance means x0 = x1!
secant(f_turning, x0=4.0, x1=3.0, tol=1.0e-50)
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[24], line 2
      1 # too small tolerance means x0 = x1!
----> 2 secant(f_turning, x0=4.0, x1=3.0, tol=1.0e-50)

Cell In[17], line 8, in secant(f, x0, x1, tol)
      4 f1 = f(x1)
      6 while abs(f1) > tol:
      7     # compute derivative approximation
----> 8     df = (f1 - f0) / (x1 - x0)
      9     # update x
     10     x2 = x1 - f1 / df

ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

Exercise (hard!)#

Find a periodic iteration for the secant method.



Newton’s method

Modified Newton


Simple algorithm





Starting values







normally fewer

similar to Newton

similar to Newton

Function evals

one per iteration

f and df per iteration

two per iteration

one per iteration


with good bracket

not always

not always

not always

Turing point roots





Use of derivative




